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Keystone Human Services KHS


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Keystone Human Services (KHS) is a non-profit organization that is a part of a global movement to provide support and expertise to people with disabilities.

Keystone Human Services





Transformation in Service-Glimpse-1-Prayatna
Prayatna is a small organization in Pune, Maharashtra, dedicated to supporting adults and children with developmental disability. Founding partners Radiya Gohil and Mridula Das attended the inaugural Social Role Valorization course  in 2016 in Delhi, and were struck with the concept of assisting people who have been often over-controlled and over-protected to maximize their personal...
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Transformation in Service-Glimpse 2-annual-report-cover-valued-roles-ashish
The Ashish Center, under the founder Geeta Mondol and the current Director, Sheila George, has taken the implementation of both person centered practice and Social Role Valorization forward in a steady arc with one strong strategy after another. Over time, we will cover several of these strategies in more detail, but for this Glimpse, we'll...
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Glimpse 3 Transformation in Service
One of the areas in which Social Role Valorization sharpens our eyes is noticing the power that language has to convey negative or positive messages about people. Dr. Raheemuddhin Pk, psychologist and leader at CDMRP within the University of Calicut, attended a four-day intensive SRV workshop and immediately realized that in the many training courses...
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Sudha Nair, a special educator and passionate activist from Pune, was struck by the potential of Social Role Valorization back in 2018. She recently attended the four-date deep dive at SRV 3.0 and has put her sharp mind to the task of trying to relate Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) to a meaningful planning process for...
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Transformation-in-Service-Glimpse-5-Making-of-one-page-profile2 (Canva-edited)
Photo by Sujata Khanna Photography People with disabilities have often been seen and described as “those people” – and segregation and congregation increases the tendency to not only other such people, but to see them as a clump who are much the same as each other. One strategy which is taught within the framework of...
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